BA courses
Macro-system of the EU
The course acquaints students with the emergence and operation of a regional organization of European countries, with their common goals, legislative system, policies and the like. The aim of the course is to transfer to students theoretical and applied professional knowledge related to the functioning of the European Union as a unique integration in the world, of which Croatia has been a full member since 2013. Emphasis is placed on the institutional framework and bodies of the Union.
This course will be held only 1st year of the project (academic year 2022/2023).
Economy of the European Union
The main objectives of the course include the ‘transfer’ of basic knowledge on European economic integration and policies, EU trade policy, macroeconomic system and the functioning of the euro-area, as well as other important aspects of integration and joint action that have a direct impact on the economy, business and well-being of European citizens.
This course will be held 2nd and 3rd year of the project (academic years 2023/2024 and 2024/2025).
European business environment and EU common policies
The course aims to provide students with a basic knowledge of understanding of the European integration process, governance within the European Union and the fundamental EU common policies. In order to better understand the "European context" and the business environment in the European Union, it is necessary to describe and explain the international business context, the theoretical assumptions of the European economic integration and the impact of EU policies on the European business environment and corporate strategies developed by companies.
This course will be held 2nd and 3rd year of the project (academic years 2023/2024 and 2024/2025).
MA courses
EU Business Policies and the Internal Market
The course promotes a deeper understanding of the principles of functioning and governance of the European Union and understanding of theoretical aspects of the analysis of the integration process and practical functioning of common microeconomic policies, all in order to better understand the in the field of free business in the European Union market.
This course will be held all three years of the project (academic years 2022/2023, 2023/2024 and 2024/2025).
Doing Business on the EU Market
The aim of the course is to enable students for a more comprehensive understanding of the international economic and business environment in the EU and to deepen the understanding and correct application of concepts, methods and techniques for evaluating cross-border business opportunities provided by the European Internal Market with an emphasis on the European micro, small and medium-sized enterprises operating in global market conditions. It also points to the differences in business practices between individual EU Member States and on the potentials and limitations of business with the rest of the world.
This course will be held all three years of the project (academic years 2022/2023, 2023/2024 and 2024/2025).
Economics and International Trade Policy
To deepen the knowledge in the field of international trade policy, its instruments, measures and mechanisms that significantly affect the competitive position of the national economy, but also its individual subjects, and upgrading basic knowledge on issues of international trade and monetary relations as well as globalization, regionalism and multilateralism. This knowledge represents a basis for mastering the content related to the position of a particular country and the Republic of Croatia in the international economic and business environment.
This course will be held all three years of the project (academic years 2022/2023, 2023/2024 and 2024/2025).
Regional Economic Integrations
The course comprehensively analyses the theoretical assumptions of economic integration, their causes, purpose and fundamental effects, as well as empirical examples of various forms of economic integration. In this way, conditions are created for the adoption of a basic methodology for analysing and assessing the static and dynamic effects of economic integrations, the factors influencing the creation of certain integrations and the most important policies that accompany integration processes.
This course will be held all three years of the project (academic years 2022/2023, 2023/2024 and 2024/2025).
European funds
The basic objectives of the course are to acquaint students with the determinants, principles and instruments of EU regional / structural / cohesion policy, in order to better understand the impact of available EU financial instruments on regional development and business aspects of the European economy (especially SMEs, training, innovation and etc.), including the practical application of these Union funds and programs.
This course will be held all three years of the project (academic years 2022/2023, 2023/2024 and 2024/2025).